Find An Adventure


Uganda and the surrounding region is full of outdoor adventure opportunities including trekking, whitewater kayaking and rafting, rock climbing, biking, swimming and more.

Below is an interactive map with basic information on various outdoor adventure destinations in and around Uganda. Click on the icons or the sidebar to find out info on the different locations. We have detailed information on many of these trips and contacts so if you have questions about trips or have new adventures to submit email Additionally, the markers on the map are not exact in many cases so send us an email if you need those details.

While some of these destinations are in national parks, others are on community land or private property so please be respectful to avoid endangering access to these locations. See the below access guidelines for more details.

Access Guidelines:

  • Be respectful to all those whose land you may be crossing – avoid walking on crops and sometimes you will need to check with local villagers or the local village chairman (LC1). It is your responsibility to be courteous to local communities. When possible, obtain permission before going onto private property or community land and if you are asked to leave then do so.
  • Don’t forget that your safety is your own responsibility- recognise that outdoor adventure activities can be dangerous. Participants in these activities should assess and accept the risks and be aware of others around you.
  • Leave places as you find them – don’t drop litter. Follow Leave No Trace Principles and either bury or pack out your waste.
  • Support the economy in the areas you are traveling by shopping locally.
  • If you are asking local people to act as guides or porters for you then don’t forget to check that they have or can borrow the necessary equipment (food, water, warm clothes if you’re going high or it’s likely to rain) and if not, you should offer equipment to them. This is especially important if you are camping out – is there somewhere they are able to stay particularly if it starts to rain.
  • Before heading out on a trip, make sure you are prepared. These locations are often very remote and planning in advance will increase your safety and enjoyment of the experience. Be sure to carry adequate food and water, a first aid kit, clothing, rain gear, and let others know where you will be.
  • Anyone considering placing new fixed climbing equipment or replacing existing equipment should take careful account of  climbing ethics, the environmental sensitivity of the area, potential liability and public safety factors.

Remember your actions can have a long lasting impact on access to these sites so be respectful and a steward of the environment and outdoor adventure. You are representing MCU and/or the outdoors community, thus setting a precedent for others who will come after you in the way you interact with the community and environment.

It is a privilege to experience these wild and unique places and with that comes expectations of a standard of behavior. As outdoor enthusiasts and athletes, we must be aware of our impact on the environment and on local communities and take responsibility for our own safety.

Other African Mountain Clubs

Mountain Club of Kenya

Mountain Club of South Africa

Mountain Club of Zimbabwe

Mountain Club of Malawi

Cameroon Mountaineering Council