Trip Planning

The Mountain Club of Uganda is a group of people interested in the outdoors. We aim to serve as a platform for budding and experienced mountaineers to meet and come together to do exciting activities such as trekking, kayaking, biking and rock climbing.

MCU is not a tour company and all activities are run on a voluntary basis, which means all participants are responsible for their own safety. We rely on volunteers to come forward to help run and organise our trips and aim to provide help and support to advise trip leaders on how to do this.

Before organising a trip you should first contact the MCU and propose the trip you would like to do for it to be approved. This can be done by emailing

Below are documents and forms that will aid you in running an MCU trip.

How to organise an MCU trip

Trip Planning form

Trip planning template email

MCU dos and donts

trip report template